Friday, December 29, 2017

2017 Wrapup

2017 is indeed the worst year for me – mentally, emotionally and physically. However, this year is the year which I have finally stepped out from my comfort zone. I tried things that I had never done before. It feels like I was embarking on my own journey in searching for my true self. It is a self-discovery and self-healing year all at once. Am I healing? I think I am, although there are times when the wave hits me harder than before. So here’s the lists of my highlighted events occurred in 2017.

The good ones.
  1. Became an exco in St. John (never held a position this important in my life lol).
  2. Started loving myself more. Still ain’t enough, but better than before.
  3. Going out more often.
  4. Smiling more. And actually meant it.
  5. Discovered a new favourite place to chill.
  6. Met Yeob and Aben.
  7. Went hiking for the very first time – Moon Gate 5, Penang. Hope it’s not going to be the last one too lol.
  8. Fell in love with the sea. Hard.
  9. Iftar at the beach for the very first time.
  10. One of my best men is finally back in Malaysia.
  11. Met new lovely people.
  12. Nailed my second semester.
  13. Cut off some toxic people.
  14. So many good things happened to the people I love.
  15. Became more self-centered lol because why not.
  16. Been participating in events as a secretariat.
  17. Finally involved in publishing work!
  18. I have been looking at the sky more than the ground.
  19. Reunited with my MD sobs.
  20. Got better in socializing with people.
  21. Youngbae and Hyorin’s engagement.
  22. Letting go.
  23. More blunt.

The not-so-good ones.
  1. Became distant with people whom I actually care because uh they’re toxic.
  2. More haters since I’m more well-known now lololol blame those events.
  3. Still that thickheaded hot-tempered Caek.
  4. Did not have a proper family photo for eid.
  5. Been eating Samyang and maggi wayyyyy too much.
  6. Failed to get hostel.
  7. BIGBANG’s long hiatus.
  8. Tabi’s scandal.
  9. SHINee's Kim Jonghyun’s shocking death.
  10. Still stuck with some toxic people.
  11. Overslept on an important day and ended up troubling my friends.
  12. Got random mental breakdowns from time to time.
  13. Got mental breakdowns in public and couldn’t stop the flowing tears.
  14. Got rushed into ER due to hyperventilation (I know it’s petty but I was terrified af, still am by the way).
  15. Got mental breakdown for a week – was MC on the first day, went to class on the next days just to come back crying in my bed.
  16. Still a crybaby.
  17. Got sick too much.
  18. Required to go to the hospital regularly due to the unresolved mystery heh.
  19. Been skipping classes a lot. A LOT.
  20. More blunt.
  21. Lost someone who once told me that I got him. What a lost sobs.
  22. Still beating up myself for the stupid things done in the past.
  23. Haven't completely forgiven myself.
  24. Witnessed a close friend suffering due to paranormal stuff.
  25. Been forgetting the Creator.
  26. Became more selfish that sometimes I surprise myself.
  27. I feel like I actually haven’t learned a thing in my third semester.
  28. Got the worst carrymark in my life for my coursework.
  29. The worst acne breakout in my almost 23-year-old life.
  30. Skin becoming so bad.
  31. Pretty sure my third semester’s exam would be hell.
  32. Chubbier sobs.
  33. Still broke af.
  34. Haven’t done a single part-time job lmao fml.
  35. Still that Caek-chan who get attached too fast, has a heart made of glass lol.
  36. Once I have disliked someone, I can’t put a mask anymore. I show it crystal clear.
  37. Fooled myself at one point lol.
  38. Hit someone’s car.
  39. Less reading and writing.
  40. Been feeling uninspired to write.
  41. Haven't stopped procrastinating everything. 

So yeah, these are all I guess. It’s a good year but so many not-so-good events did happen in this year. I hope 2018 will be a better year for me, especially for my health. I have been asking for too many things from him yet I took my health for granted that I forgot to include healthy life in my prayers lol. He up there must be annoyed of me for requesting too much and being so greedy lmao but sokay He is the Ar Rahman and Ar Rahim.

Cheers to 2018.

Image result for bigbang gif

Friday, December 15, 2017

Confession #18

Is it crucial to have a relationship in my age? I don’t know… maybe yes or maybe not. It depends on the person. A lot of my friends have gotten married, some of them are even gifted with babies now. And me? Here I am, still jamming to my favourite songs like all the time, have mental breakdowns from time to time, cry myself to sleep at nights and sometimes even cry when I’m hungry lmao. But yeah, that’s what I have ever been so far.

Do I wish to act like a grown up?

Indeed, I do. I want to be seen as someone matured, someone who will be able to carry herself all the time despites the fact that she is going through her toughest times. I want to be someone who people can look up for. Someone who is dependable. Someone who my family can finally be proud of. Someone who people give respect to. I want to be this someone. And I miserably failed in achieving it.


Because I rant too much. I whine about my difficulties. I have never been grateful enough for what I have. God up there must be saying how an ungrateful lass I am although He has actually given me more than I deserve. I should change myself – this is what I have been telling myself all this time. I tried to speak less, be firmer than before. I try to change. I want to be different. I don’t know if it’s a good different or not, but I still want it.

And it feels damn weird.

What does feel weird? Everything. Everything seems weird to me. It is just… odd. I know people change, but the changes that I have been witnessing around me are severe. I am having hard times just trying to digest and adapt to the changes happening around me. It feels as everything is moving at awfully fast pace; as everyone is walking waaaaay ahead of me and I am left alone behind, completely unaware of my surroundings. It’s a terrifying view. I feel trapped. I feel so small. I want to talk to my friends, I’ve missed my friends. But they have their own families now. They are at their own levels. And I feel as I am just a tiny little bean trying to have some attention here and ignored because uh duhhh I don’t really keep in touch with people??? So once they are married, have babies or moving further, I feel as the door has been slammed in front of my face. It feels terrible. I have mixed feelings. I feel happy for them yet I am mourning for whatever that I myself am uncertain about. I find it hard to reach to my friends once they are married or away. I feel as there is a gap between me and them; an invisible boundary that separates me from them. I feel awkward.

I don’t like this feeling. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

This Man

This man… we first met on Friendster (yes, Friendster) so many years ago and have become friends ever since then. Imagine how many phases have we gone through – from Friendster, Yahoo! Messenger, getting each other’s numbers, MySpace, Tagged (wtf), Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We only met in real life for a few times but God knows how much I treasure this friendship. This man is the only person who calls me ‘dak kecik’ despites the fact that I am not that kecik anymore. Pakcik, I am 10 years older than the time we first knew each other okayyyy /facepalm/ but it’s okay, I don’t really mind that. This man… had to listen to me whining and complaining about how hard life was when I first entered boarding school. This man literally told his friends that he was talking to his ‘anak menakan’ when being asked and passed the phone to them so I could confirm it with them lmao. This man… he was the one who kept giving me advice at times when I least expected. This man… has never forgot to wish me on eid and birthday. This man… he was and still is one of the people I look up to. This man… is all grown up.

This man… is now married.

Credit to: Salimah Ismail

Happy married, pakcik! I really feel bad about not going to your wedding reception because I’ve missed ya and we haven’t met each other for so long and now you’re married and I can’t believe this because it feels as only yesterday I talked to you through my hostel’s public phone under the stairs just to complain about my stupid insecurities and shits. And now you’re married. Oh God, that’s a very big responsibility for you to carry but you are one of the best people I know ever. I believe you’ll be a good husband to my makcik hehe. Take care of my makcik okay pandai cari ha makcik segak hiks. Makcik should take care of my pakcik gak haha urgh just take care of each other okay?! I wish both of you eternal happiness and may He give you strengths to go through any upcoming difficulties in life. May He bless you with all the happiness you two deserve and grant you with whatever you wish for. I’m sorry lmao I want to write something for ya but I can’t write a beautiful one so here is a non-pretty open letter for ya. See ya when I see ya!

Your favourite anak menakan,
Syahirah Berhan

P/s: Nanti kecik kahwin pakcik kena mai!
P/ss: You’re employed and married now, kena start bagi kecik duit raya!